League of American Orchestras
The League of American Orchestras (LAO) leads, supports, and champions America's orchestras and the vitality of the music they perform. Its diverse membership of more than 1,800 organizations and individuals across North America runs the gamut from world-renowned orchestras to community groups, from summer festivals to student and youth ensembles, from conservatories to libraries, from businesses serving orchestras to individuals who love symphonic music. A national organization dedicated solely to the orchestral experience, the League is a nexus of knowledge and innovation, advocacy, and leadership advancement. Its conferences and events, award-winning Symphony magazine, website, and other publications inform people around the world about orchestral activity and developments. Founded in 1942 and chartered by Congress in 1962, the League links a national network of thousands of instrumentalists, conductors, managers and administrators, board members, volunteers, and business partners.
Established in 1964, the League Volunteer Council is made up of recognized community leaders who have demonstrated outstanding support for their orchestras and who are committed to the goals of the League of American Orchestras. Council members represent volunteer associations affiliated with orchestras from coast to coast and across the entire spectrum of budget tiers. Their leadership provides representation, support, and professional development to volunteer delegates throughout the country via quarterly publications, the volunteer project database, strategic conversations for presidents and presidents-elect and programming at the League's annual national conferences. The Council is committed to the ongoing education of its members to meet the current and future needs of volunteer associations in support of their orchestras. Visit the League Volunteer Council to learn more.
Members of The Symphony Guild of Charlotte, Inc. who have served on the Volunteer Council include Rosemary Blanchard (1981-86), Ginger Kelly (2004-2009), Gigi Leffler (1993-99) and Linda Weisbruch (2010-2018). Guild presidents and presidents-elect attend the League's national conference annually, often presenting our organization's award-winning projects to symphony volunteer colleagues in attendance. The Guild has been recognized year after year for programming excellence, including the rare Best of the Best Award bestowed at the League's 2013 conference in St. Louis, Missouri.
Read more about the League of American Orchestras HERE.